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Homemade Sandwich Bread

Bread Recipe
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Soft, Fluffy Homemade Bread

… and it’s super easy to make too!

I bake A LOT of bread for my family. A LOT! There are only three of us but my husband and son are bread-a-holics. At least two, sometimes three, times per week this bread finds its way into my oven and makes the house smell amazing while it bakes.

My Grammie Acker made the BEST bread ever, it set the standard for me for homemade bread. A standard that, to this day, I’ve never actually managed to achieve despite actually having her bread recipe in my possession. I often wonder if the recipe (that was found after she died) was written down wrong or if something was left out. Or maybe it was just a lifetime of experience that made her bread so great?

This recipe gets as close as I’ve ever gotten to re-creating her bread. It started out as her recipe and, as the result of trial and error and a combination of a lot of different bread recipes I’ve tried over the years, it has evolved into what I’m sharing with you here. It’s heavier than I remember hers being and not as coarse but I’m happy with it and the boys certainly have no problem gobbling it all up.

Everyone I’ve shared this recipe with has been successful in making it, it’s a great beginner recipe if you’re new to making bread. It stays soft for a few days (if it lasts that long!) and it tastes AMAZING fresh from the oven slathered with butter.

If you give it a try, please come back and let me know how it turned out for you!

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About The Author

I’m Krystal and I’m one of those quirky, super-introverted folks that’s in legit danger of becoming a hermit. You know the type. I generally leave the mountain once a week for provisions, fill the car to the brim with chicken feed, shavings, groceries and any building supplies I need, and then hurry back home where it's quiet and less people-y.

Working to turn our property into micro farm with gardens and chickens has become my passion. On any given day you're pretty much guaranteed to find me outside doing something if you happen to stop by. Whether it's building (yet another) chicken coop or some other project I've dreamed up, cleaning out the coops I've already made, working in the garden or just spending time with the chickens you'll find me outdoors most of the daylight hours, every single day. If you happen to catch me indoors, I'm probably either in the kitchen or in a heap of papers planning my next project.

We are a homeschooling family and I homeschool my 11 year old son. We love the freedom it gives the whole family.

When I'm not doing any of the above, you can find me working on a website design project for a client. Over the spring/summer I take very limited bookings because things are so busy but I get back to it in the fall/winter months when the garden is gone and the chickens go to bed early. If you're curious, you can check out my design work at

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