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Luck, Luckers


Black Copper Marans x Barred Rock






Lucky is a pretty happy go lucky kind of guy (no, that’s not how he got his name). He just kind of goes with the flow and wanders without a care in the world. He was named “Lucky” because he genuinely is Lucky to be here. I got eggs from my sister to hatch when I hatched my first batch of chicks and Lucky is from her farm. When it came time to put the eggs in the incubator, I was running short on space and I almost didn’t put him in there. He was “lucky” he made it in. When hatch day came, he was the last one to hatch and he got stuck in his egg. A full day after the others had hatched he hadn’t made any progress so I decided to help him finish hatching. It turned out that he was “shrink wrapped” in the egg. The membrane within the egg shell had dried out and shrunk and it held him too tightly to be able to finish hatching. Without help, he would have likely died in the incubator before he got out of the egg. Again, he was “lucky”. My husband had developed a soft spot for Lucky while we were waiting for him to break out of his egg and, when he was finally free, my husband named him Lucky. Officially he has always been Gary’s (my husband, aka “the man who didn’t want chickens”) rooster.

Lucky was head of our bachelor coop until Ted challenged him and that fight resulted in the disbanding of the bachelor coop altogether. For a while he lived alone, like so many of the other roosters here did, while I raised him a flock of ladies. Unlike the other solo roosters, Lucky still had a coop so I didn’t have to do any more building on his behalf. We raised four Rhodebar chicks for Lucky and they moved in with him this past summer (2024). I brought in four Easter Egger pullets from another farm for him as well but, he had absolutely zero interest in them becoming part of his flock so it’s just him and the four Rhodebars. They make a happy little group and I think Lucky really enjoys having some hens to care for. He takes his job as protector VERY seriously and he’s probably more diligent than any of the other roosters. He’s always watching the skies and alerting, not just his girls, but all of the other chickens in the yard of potential danger.

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About The Author

I’m Krystal and I’m one of those quirky, super-introverted folks that’s in legit danger of becoming a hermit. You know the type. I generally leave the mountain once a week for provisions, fill the truck to the brim with chicken feed, shavings, groceries and any building supplies I need, and then hurry back home where it's quiet and less people-y.

Working to turn our property into micro farm with gardens and chickens has become my passion. On any given day you're pretty much guaranteed to find me outside doing something if you happen to stop by. Whether it's building (yet another) chicken coop or some other project I've dreamed up, cleaning out the coops I've already made, working in the garden or just spending time with the chickens you'll find me outdoors most of the daylight hours, every single day. If you happen to catch me indoors, I'm probably either in the kitchen or in a heap of papers planning my next project.

We are a homeschooling family and I homeschool my 12 year old son. We love the freedom it gives the whole family.

When I'm not doing any of the above, you can find me working on a website design project for a client. Over the spring/summer I take very limited bookings because things are so busy but I get back to it in the fall/winter months when the garden is gone and the chickens go to bed early. If you're curious, you can check out my design work at krystalacker.com.

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