Levy (pronounced like the tax, not the jeans)
Rhode Island Red x Barred Rock
(Black Sex-link)
Rederick, Noelan, Ruby, Hazel
Eleven, usually known as “Levy”, is a rooster that I never meant to keep. His breed mix means that he is a black sex-link chicken and I knew he was a boy from the moment he busted out of his egg. I only planned to keep one rooster, one of the Golden Laced Wyandottes I was also hatching at the time, so I tried not to get attached to this guy. I numbered all of the eggs I incubated to track them through the hatch and he hatched from egg number eleven. Referring to him by his egg number was part of my attempt to not get attached, if I didn’t name him it’d be easier to let him go. I tried to give him away so many times but no one wants a rooster chick. As if he knew, Eleven spent his days trying to win my heart (it wasn’t difficult), and he squawked from the brooder until I picked him up for snuggles. The little guy would immediately quiet and then sleep on my lap for hours, he loved to be held and snuggled.
It didn’t take long for plans to change and for Eleven to be the rooster I planned to keep. There was no way I could give him up. Since I’d called him Eleven for so long, the name stuck and eventually got shortened to Levy. He grew up to be the head rooster in charge of everyone else in his hatch and he’s been an amazing guardian of his flock. He lives with five hens currently; Ruby, Juniper, Chippy, Marigold and Hazel. All six of them have been together since they hatched.